Author: Gribba

FNoF – More Crochet, this time FnaF amigurumi!

So as I have mentioned,  my boys asked me to make five nights at Freddy’s teddy bears for them, so I decided to learn to crochet.

I used Youtube videos to learn and then I found this pattern for these FnaF teddy bear/amigurimi.

It was much easier than I thought it would be even as I had to use youtube a few times to see what I was suppose to do, (did not know/understand all the abbreviations in the pattern).


I am VERY happy with the result… and off to do the next one, FnaF Bunny, so both boys have one made by Mamma (mamma=mom).

Learning to crochet

So I decided to learn to crochet, my boys asked me to make five nights at Freddy’s teddy bears for them.

That required me to learn how to crochet, so I went for it!!!


Practice… practice makes perfect or something close to it…


Tying out this amigurumi, to prepare for making the teddy’s, it went fine, not perfect but gave me an idea how to do this and what to watch out for as I go for the next project.

Using this Video to make it!



So I took on the knitting project, ærmelingit was fun, and went better than I expected it would with only 3 years of knitting experience.


This part was SO much work….

My first time changing colors…. was fun and I learned a few new things….

I learned this is a lot of work and takes time!!!


The final product… I am so happy with my Ærmeling, I will most likely make few more as these are just so cute and fun!!!


Social-media free, almost 2 weeks.

So… for almost 2 weeks, I have been social-media free.

It has been… difficult, at times, as my finger seems to find the Facebook icon on my phone, very easily, and I have to stop myself. The few times I have managed to press that icon I have immediately shut it down and put my phone, far away from me. The good news is that, on the computer, it is much easier as I have to type it in the browser and I just do not do that, easy.

The time away from Facebook has been, wonderful but at the same time challenging.

I have this feeling of missing out, not knowing what is going on, but at the same time I feel under less pressure… and free from, a form for disturbance and nuisance, that I was not even aware, was affecting me.

It turns out that I have much more time on my hands but I also feel like I have to figure out, how to use that time, again…

This has been hard and still is but I feel that this is getting easier and I feel that I am getting my life and my time back, now I just need to figure out how to use it.

I have made this blog my place, my home. The best part, I can share these posts on social-media platforms without going on there.

Interesting… and SO true…

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